Alexandre Goy

Alexandre Goy

Former academic researcher

About Me

This page is frozen in time, as I am not an academic researcher anymore. My new website will be available here when the time comes.

Welcome to my academic page!

Until 2024, I was a Research Fellow in Automated Verification in University of Southampton, UK, within the COVER project of Corina Cîrstea.

Previously, I worked as a postdoc with Matteo Mio in the PLUME team of the LIP laboratory, at ENS Lyon, France.

Even before that, I was a PhD student in the LogiMICS team of the MICS laboratory, at CentraleSupélec, France. My amazing supervisors were Daniela Petrişan and Marc Aiguier. My research there focused on weak distributive laws and their application to computer science, e.g. automata. I successfully defended my PhD thesis on Tuesday 19 October 2021. You can download the manuscript and the slides.


  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Logic
  • Category Theory
  • Coalgebra
  • Probability Theory


  • PhD in Theoretical Computer Science, 2021


  • MSc in Engineering, 2018


  • MSc in Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Computer Science, 2017

    Université Paris-Diderot


(2022). Weakening and Iterating Laws using String Diagrams. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics.


(2021). Powerset-Like Monads Weakly Distribute over Themselves in Toposes and Compact Hausdorff Spaces. International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming.


(2019). From Structuring Elements to Structuring Neighborhood Systems. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing.


(2018). (In)finite Trace Equivalence of Probabilistic Transition Systems. Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science.



You can contact me by email at $\lambda w \lambda x \lambda y \lambda z(w.x @ y.z)$ alexandre goy pm me
If you do not know $\lambda$-calculus, you can also contact me via the following form.

  • B32, East Highfield Campus, University Road
    SO17 1BJ Southampton